CTV News
Modern Parent's Guide: How to raise kids that aren't entitled
CTV Your Morning: Why World Kindness Day is so important

Global News
Ask an Expert: Helping kids deal with stressful situations
Dr. Lisa Ferrari talks about children’s body image issues
Pink Shirt Day: Psychology of bullying
Dealing with depression during the holidays
New Take on Disney Princesses
Youth Suicide
Dr Lisa Ferrari on Global BC News - Explaining Tragic Incidents to Children
Dr. Lisa Ferrari + Dr. Carla Fry on Global's Ask an Expert: Parenting
Dr. Lisa Ferrari + Dr Carla Fry on Global TV: Christmas Kindness + Gratitude
Global News: Teaching kids to express gratitude and kindness
Parenting in an Era of Entitlement - Dr. Fry and Ferrari on Global News

WhatSheSaid Talk
Dr. Carla Fry and Dr. Lisa Ferrari on What She Said Radio December 2016 on Holiday Gratitude
Decorating the Holiday Season with Gratitude, by Dr. Ferrari & Dr. Fry

Blush Magazine
TheDrFs: Selfies & Self-Esteem in Tweens
TheDrFs: Modern Divorce Etiquette & Kids
TheDrFs: Social Media Diet’ing
TheDrFs: Grateful Kids = Happy Kids
ZESTWomen: Drs. Fry & Ferrari are Motivators
The DrFs: Surviving Mompreneur Guilt